The Real Goal of Education

What is the real goal of Education? This is a mind searching question but we have to really ask ourselves this question.
There is is world-wide need for us to examine the right place of education in our lives as well as our personal and economical growth.
Before we analyze this further, let look at what some people feel it should be.
Is it securing a diploma or certificate?
Most recruiters have this as a major requirement – a degree, a diploma or a certificate before getting a job. This has made lots of people to go to school to get this done. However let us remember that some jobs require us to showcase our skills and not just the degree or certificate. In some countries someone with the right set of skills are most likely to succeed in what they are doing. Those with degrees and no skills tend to switch over to “office politics” or “seniority” to get things done. I should not say this but it is it truth….
Is it mastering a Discipline?
Some individuals will love to master a discipline – we all do. But we have to ask ourselves this question – What are we going to do with all the knowledge we have? How can we transform the lives of people around us with the subject matter that we mastered? Imagine a medical doctor acquiring all the knowledge about cancer but does not use it effectively? Knowing a discipline is one thing but applying is another. This is more or less solving one piece of the puzzle but does not solve the entire puzzle.
So what is the real goal of Education?
In life, it does not matter how many degrees one may have, or the number of seminars or courses one attends, but what is more important is the skills that we acquired during our learning process and how it transformed our whole being. How can we improve our own lives and those of others around us with the education that we spent a lot of our time, finance and other resources on.
Real Goal of Education – Video
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So the what is the real goal education? For this and more information please refer to my books, Philosophy of Education: Questions and Answers Volume 1.
For more information please visit the following links on the Real Goal of Education.